School Yoga Lesson Planning Workshop

By Invitation Only.

This half-day virtual workshop will guide you through the process of being able to create your own customized yoga lesson plans for your school or classroom yoga program. You will walk away with lesson plans ready to use!

We know that you are working in lots of different situations with children of varying needs, time slots of varying lengthens, and have to chose from a vast array of yoga and mindfulness activities. And many of you would like clear plans that you can share with your parents, other teachers, and the leadership team.

We'd love for you to join us!

School Yoga Lesson Planning Workshop
Saturday, October 9th
9:30am to 12:30pm EST

Course curriculum

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    School Yoga Lesson Planning Workshop

    • Welcome to School Yoga Lesson Planning Workshop

    • Join the Facebook Group

    • DOWNLOAD: School Yoga Lesson Planning Workshop Workbook

    • DOWNLOAD: Yoga Class Planner Online Fillable FORM 5 minute

    • DOWNLOAD: Yoga Class Planner Online Fillable FORM 30 minutes

    • DOWNLOAD: Yoga Class Planner Online Fillable FORM 15 minute

    • Dial In Details

    • DOWNLOAD: Yoga Class Planner Online Fillable FORM 1 Hour

    • [VIDEO] Workshop Recording

    • [VIDEO] Overview of Yoga Resources

    • Additional Resources

Kind Words

Kind words from the community

"I loved it and so did my staff! I sent out the challenge videos daily and had really good feedback. Some teachers said they actually slept better at night. Some of my teachers said their students enjoyed doing it too. I loved how you started it by having me monitor my own breathing before I did the challenge. I noted that I breathe shallow and stop breathing several times a day. (I thought it was an error in my Apple Watch but I do need to breathe.)Thank you for bringing this activity to my attention and my staff and students!" - Sharon S

"Thank you for your personal stories (experiences), which I have sat with. The amazing part of working in education is sitting with educators(parents/students...) in the  reminder of supporting "being Present/Check-In/Self-Awareness in the physical body: to uphold that skill is the Gift. That is the gift to my job." - Jennifer R.

“Love this! I am an elementary PE teacher and use mindful breathing in place of discipline and to get the attention of my noisy classroom." - Tammie F.

“Thank you so much Giselle. I love your energy. " - Roj Z.

“Thanks Giselle. Mindful breathing is a wonderful way to connect with my true essence. I have mini mountains of piles in my office that I must release and find new homes for- the recycling pile, art supplies to donate, books etc.  I realized that as the breath leaves me I feel more brave to dive into this project - one breath at a time. Thanks for reminding me." - Marla F.

"Now I have to bring it into my daily life more often, maybe I will try every hour and see how it goes. I have also done this breathing with 6 in and hold 6 and then out 6. Thanks again!!! - Laurie O.

"I usually do 4 counts so this was a little bit of a mental change issue for me, but it felts good." - Katie M.

"Thank you Giselle, new for me to do a 6 count as I usually do a 4 count. It is great!" - Gill G.

"I love it, and I needed the reminder to bring back deep breathing into my day. I usually breathe out longer than breathing in but this felt great today. Thank you!" - Nina K.

"Hey l love your yoga stories!! You guys are mind-blowing!!! I use for my children...keep posting!!! Thank u so much!! " - PFA Club "Thank you for sharing I will be heading out to buy this book 🙏🧡 " - Kelly B.

"Thank you , this is exactly what I need!! I am a shallow breather and also hold my breathe often. I look forward to following your videos." - Laurie O. "Loved the breathe better challenge. I really need to remember to breathe these days." - Sharon P.

"Thank you for the information! Enjoyed the format for this information. I enjoy receiving all the information in your emails, however for this type of information I believe it was probably more effective as a video series. Keep up the great work! I have incorporated more yoga into my personal and professional life this year than ever before." - Jill S.

"I really loved the mini series, thank you for sharing it.: - Gillian G.



Giselle Shardlow

I'm Giselle, Founder of Kids Yoga Stories... and I totally get it! I know what it’s like to be a primary school teacher in chaotic classrooms with limited time and loads of curriculum to teach. I also have a daughter who has additional needs. In order to help children everywhere, including my daughter, manage the ups and downs of life, I’ve spent the last twelve years creating resources, workbooks, books, and guides for teachers, parents, and anyone wanting to bring yoga and mindfulness to children.  And, I’m thrilled to finally bring you my biggest, most comprehensive offering yet and help you design your very own tailor-made school yoga program. I can’t wait to meet you and work together toward a common goal—helping children be active and healthy and to get the most out of life!